Zara Otamias


Hi! My name is Zara.

I am a self-taught developer from the Greater Boston area.

Ever since I was younger, I have always been interested with science and technology, especially computers.
In addition, I was actively involved with the arts growing up, especially the performing arts such as music and dance.
With both of these interests, it has impacted me to transition to the tech field, where I can use & apply both of my technical and creative skills.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery


Tribute Page

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

A project for FreeCodeCamp, it is a simple, scrollable, single webpage. For this project, it had to meet the user story requirements: it needed to have text and an image, and users can click on the link & takes them to an external website fore additional information on the topic.

Event Invitation Page

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

A single, scrollable invitation webpage. The webpage has a fixed top navigation bar, which stays at the top of the page while scolling.

Tourist Attraction Page

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

A single, scrollable webpage, it has a parallax effect, which was created using only CSS.

Random Quote Machine

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery

A project for FreeCodeCamp, it is a web application that generates quotes. For this project, it had to meet the user story requirements: the user can click on a button that shows a new quote, and can also click on a button that can tweet a quote.

Wikipedia Viewer

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery

A project for FreeCodeCamp, it is a web application that shows search results from Wikipedia. For this project, it had to meet the user story requirements: users are able to search Wikipedia entries and see the results, and can also click on a button that shows a random Wikipedia entry. The page also has a feature that lets users press the enter key in order to get the search results.

Local Weather App

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery

A project for FreeCodeCamp, it is a web application that shows the current weather. For this project, it had to meet the user story requirements: users are able to see current weather results in their location, are able to see a different icon and/or background images depending on the weather, and have a toggle button to change temperature results between Celsius and Fahrenheit. The application also shows wind speed and humdity results.


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